Welcome to Our Family
Embrace the journey with us as we grow in Love & Truth, hand in hand with our community. Together, let's serve those in need and spread the saving Gospel of Our Lord and Savior.
Join us as we grower closer to the Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in prayer, in service, and in stewardship. Let us live lives that proclaim together as one that we are “greatly blessed, highly favored, deeply loved.”
Mass Times:
M-Sat 8am; Vigil on Sat, 4pm; SUN @ St. Lawrence 7:30am; 9am, 11:15am & 4pm Mass in Spanish
Saturdays 3-4pm or by appointment (606-329-1607)
Tuesday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
9am until 6pm (summer hours) in the Adoration Chapel (sign-ups in the narthex)
See “Parish Groups” & “Opportunities” on our Home Page for more information.
Our story so far…
Click on St. Lawrence Mission Church for Our History >